Reformation Day at NCCA
SOLA SCRIPTURA: Scripture alone
SOLA CHRISTUS: Christian alone
SOLA FIDE: Faith alone
SOLA GRATIA: Grace alone
SOLA DEO GLORIA: To God be the glory alone

“I Will Look Up,” About New City Classical Academy’s Morning Assembly
Learn why we gather for assembly as a school to begin our days together.

Praising God for Generous Givers & About Our Assemblies
A word on fundraising, a reading recommendation and about our assembly rhythms.

A New Classical Christian School Opens in the Quad Cities
Celebrating what God has done to help New City Classical Academy begin its inaugural year!

We have a home!
Learn where we’re schooling this year, a book recommendation, and meet our community!

Where did June go?
New City Classical Academy attended the annual Association of Classical Christian Schools conference in Pittsburgh. This is a great opportunity to learn about the Classical difference.